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JavaScript (JS) is a high-level programming language typically used in a web browser. It’s mostly running as dynamic or interactive content, varying from popup notifications and live clocks to massive web applications. Originally it was designed as a scripting language for websites but has since grown in popularity as a general-purpose programming language.

Differences between Java and JavaScript 

A common misunderstanding is that JavaScript is identical to or closely related to Java. Java is a class-based programming language, mostly used by enterprises for creating custom-tailored web applications. However, JavaScript is an interpreted high-level programming language, used for web development. This requires an interpreter to run JavaScript, while completed Java code can be run standalone.

Popular JavaScript Frameworks

Frameworks can make programming simpler by defining more predefined procedures with them. Most websites use frameworks and you may also hear the term “vanilla JS” describing websites that don’t use any libraries or frameworks but rely solely on basic JavaScript features.

jQuery is the most popular, feature-rich, and fast JavaScript library. Its API operates through a variety of browsers. Some other frameworks are Angular operated by Google, the React framework created by Facebook, or the progressive Vue.js framework.

Choosing a framework forces following some guidelines and often depends on the project requirements. There are thousands of frameworks to choose from, and it is critical to choose technology that can overcome the difficulties.

To learn more about JavaScript, see the blog posts below.


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