
Android app development

We can say that each of us is surrounded by a huge number of systems and applications installed on our mobile devices at home or work. When it comes to Android, it is probably the most popular platform for mobile devices worldwide. Android development allows bringing users of various devices closer to almost all Google services and content present on the Internet.

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android mobile development at applover

As we have already mentioned, Android development is a software development process, in which applications for Android devices are created. Google maintains that applications for this operating system can be written in Kotlin, Java, and C++.

Case studies

Check our case studies

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LabPlus provides a simple way to schedule and pay for desired medical test in your home town.

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A social video application that helps aspiring artists build an engaged fanbase, collaborate and compete for fame.

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Why Android app development?

Any Android application can be distributed straightforwardly. Thanks to the vast distribution market such as Google Play, when your application’s mobile development is finished, you can publish it straight away. Google Play gives you access to the millions of potential users of your app. At the same time, you still can control and regulate the sales of your android app. You can easily control which target groups your app will eventually reach when released, with the certainty that selected customers will be able to download it almost immediately.

Android development and the programming languages, such as Java or Kotlin, ensure that no matter where software is installed – whether on an LG, HTC, or Samsung device, the principle of its operation remains the same. Full versatility is an unquestionable advantage that allows application developers to prepare products for a broader range of accessories without the need to adjust their functionality to specific models of devices while maintaining high app performance. All these factors translate into the high attractiveness of technology among entrepreneurs and increase their readiness to develop android apps.

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How to develop Android apps, and is Android development in demand for 2022?

At first, android development requires android developer knowledge and in-depth knowledge of Java and Kotlin. Almost every android developer asks whether this technology will continue to be as popular as it is right now. We strongly believe that the answer is yes. Even doing quick research on the number of positions for which the android developer is sought after, we get the result of almost 270,000 open recruitments.

Become an Android developer and develop Android apps

The Android app went public about a decade ago. The technology seems to be quite mature already, but still, programmers who know the language of Java and Kotlin are highly demanded employees on the market. So if you are considering a career as an android developer, you shouldn’t worry about the difficulties in finding a job. Remember, you need a good knowledge of Java or Kotlin and a willingness for further self-development.

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