

Node (formally Node.js) is a multi-platform open-source software that allows developers to create all kinds of JavaScript software working on the server-side.

ISO 13485

Previously, programmers only run their JavaScript code using browsers. Today Node.js is a runtime environment that operates independently of the browser and allows you to run JavaScript directly with the operating system. It makes it possible to develop applications with a single programming language rather than use different languages for server- and client-side scripts.

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HR services, Top Management Executive Search assignments for C-level and upper management positions in the CEE region.

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Rent and share anything with the USN, the first decentralized application

Node.js's specification

Node provides its applications with an operating system API, including access to filesystems, system libraries, or running processes, including HTTP servers. As a runtime environment, Node.js not only makes it easier to create web applications. It works directly with the operating system and can be run on any of them, such as Linux, MacOS, or Windows.

Node.js is built on Google Chrome’s V8 engine and written in C++, which not only makes it super fast but also helps in creating web applications that can handle multiple parallel connections with greater performance. This engine takes JavaScript code and converts it into a faster machine code. Machine code is low-level code that the computer can run without needing first to interpret it.



Thanks to Node.js, we can write server backups using JavaScript. Node.js has significantly accelerated the development of applications and JavaScript itself. JavaScript is a programming language that allows for the implementation of complex elements on a website. The website can display static information and handle changing the content according to the situation, showing interactive maps and 2D/3D graphics animations, displaying video, etc.


Web app development with Node.js

Every modern framework that is used to create web applications requires Node.js to be installed. Although we can still create web pages using only a browser, it’s hard to imagine that we can create an advanced web application without Node.js.


Real-time applications

Node.js as a platform is ideal for all kinds of real-time push capability network applications. Apps like that transfer data in two directions without reconnecting to the server. 

Real-time gives the possibility to develop two-way connection websites with free data exchange. It’s mostly due to WebSockets, which allow opening an interactive communications session between a user’s browser and a server. Requests to a server are then processed as a loop (event loop, to be more precise), making Node.js a JavaScript runtime environment that takes a “non-blocking” approach to serve requests, achieves low latency and high throughput along the way. The ideal example of a real-time application is a chat application. After the first connection to the server, the user can forward their messages and, at the same time, receive notifications from others. 


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