No matter how prestigious is the position we are applying for, no matter what culture prevails in the organization – the recruitment process can discourage everyone.

During recruitment interviews, we try to describe as precisely as possible what we do as a team, what our product design process looks like, and what projects we do every day. Today, we want to help potential candidates and answer some of the most frequently asked questions by candidates when recruiting for the UX / UI Designer position at Applover.

From this article, you will learn:

  • what our daily duties are,
  • what the development path looks like,
  • what you can expect from the project development process,
  • and many more.

So let’s dive in! 

1. What will the beginning of work as the UI/UX Designer look like?

No matter if you are a Junior, Mid, or Senior UX / UI Designer, for the first month a new person is assigned to a specific project with a second Designer – to be able to see what our design process looks like in practice and to get to know our work. Once they feel comfortable enough to run the project themselves, they stay as one Designer for the particular project. Of course, with the help of other designers who will always dispel all doubts and be available for advice.

2. How is the Design Team organized?

Our team currently consists of three people. We are a small but very crucial team in the organization. We work on projects as Designers, usually alone (of course, together with a project team that includes, among others, a Project Manager). We organize our work on Asana – this tool works great for us, especially when we have a few things to do and we want to write them down in detail, it suits us well! Every week we meet at Weekly Design Statuses – then we discuss the works for the next week, and additional things that we could do (e.g. Dribbble shot).

Every two weeks we have our edu session on which we discuss various topics from the most important, i.e. from ideas for even greater development of our department to topics related to current user experience trends, new features in Figma (our main tool at work), or new material. Anyone can lead the meeting and share their knowledge. 🙂

3. Do designers work on projects alone? Do they work in a group?

Each person deals with projects on their own – of course, we are available to each other all the time (if necessary, we discuss problems together or specific issues related to the flow). If the project requires (due to its complexity) the support of another Designer – then we work together. 

We value our team spirit – for us, the ‘playing towards a common goal’ approach is the most important. If one designer needs support – we help with all hands on a deck.

4. Will the person employed as a designer have to participate in the entire UX design process?

It depends. If at the beginning you do not feel well, for example in conducting workshops – that’s okay, we will give you time to learn it and understand the whole process. It is important for us that a person who does not even have all the skills at the very beginning has the will to develop and the attitude to take on new challenges. When it comes to the design process that we create every day – yes, we deal with it comprehensively from the beginning of the project (workshop phase) to delivering the prototype and project to developers.

5. Do you, as UX / UI designers, work on one project at the same time?

Most often we work on several projects at the same time. Of course, we are talking here about the various stages of advancement of these projects. We can only start the workshop phase in one of them, finish the UI design in the second, and be at the stage of delivering the final visual design to developers in the third. It also depends on the scale of the projects – you never have more than you can handle. We take care of this aspect of our work. 

6. What types of projects do you deal with daily? Are these long-term projects?

We have various projects that we deal with. These are projects from the medical, commercial, banking, etc. industries. Each project is different and has slightly different challenges and that’s cool! Some projects are short-lived (e.g. web development), others have been with us for over a year or two. New UX designers won’t get bored at Applover!

7. What does a typical day in the work of a UX/UI Designer look like at Applover?

Each day looks a bit different depending on the project we are dealing with. It can be a day when we run workshops or do some user research, have a call with the client, or it’s a kick-off of the project. It can also be a time when we focus only on independent work (like developing mock-ups or user interface designs). If you are in the project, you will probably have a daily meeting with the project team. What you can be sure of, is that you will type on Slack with someone, design in Figma, and cooperate with people who want to collaborate with you!

8. Is the job 100% remote? Do you have to come to the office?

Our work is 100% remote. Of course, if you want to integrate with us in the office or go on trampolines – we are always open to such meetings. 😉 We do them now and then because not everyone works in the office, usually, then we also do our internal edu stationary and eat lunch together.

9. As designers, do you have contact with the clients, and do you talk to them?

Yes, at Applover, every designer has contact with the client. It is very important to us because we are present in the project at the earliest stage, we prepare kick-off call questions, and do workshop activities – without talking to the client it would be difficult. Of course, we are supported by the Project Managers, but our knowledge and openness are important here.

We need communication and interpersonal skills. If someone is shy and doesn’t know what to say – it’s going to be challenging, because we focus on openness and good communication with the client. We care about the inquisitiveness and curiosity of the candidate – for the client, it means that we are involved in the project, thorough and we will not miss anything. English is also important for us in contact with the client. Casual conversation and the ability to conduct workshops in this language is the key.

10. What does the project team look like usually?

The project team usually consists of a UX / UI Designer, Project Manager, Front-end as well as Back-end Developers, and a Quality Assurance Specialist. Some individual members (e.g. IT Business Analyst) may also participate in the project team at the same time.


Do you want to find out more about UX and UI design?

Talk to us!

UX/UI Designers work at Applover

I hope that these questions and answers helped you understand a bit more about our work at Applover as UX / UI Designers. What’s crucial is, that everyone influences their work. All of us can propose suggestions, and enhancements and introduce new things to the team’s work and processes at the entire organization. Influence is one of our core values. If these blog posts, clear your mind, do not hesitate any longer! Check our Careers Page and apply! Maybe we are looking for you right now!