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TypeScript is a programming language created and maintained by Microsoft company. It’s designed as a superset of JavaScript, containing all of its functionality and extending the scripting. Moreover, TypeScript is open-source, and the source code is written in TypeScript itself and compiled into JavaScript.

TypeScript vs JavaScript

The key difference between TypeScript and JavaScript is, as mentioned before, that TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript. JavaScript is dynamically typed, while TypeScript code uses static typing. Additionally, it offers classes, modules, and interfaces to help to build robust components. 

How can TypeScript be used?

It’s an open-source technology. TypeScript is intended for large-scale program development. It can be used to build JavaScript applications that can be executed from both the client and server sides (with Node.js npm). One of the major advantages of TypeScript is that it allows IDE to provide a richer environment for detecting common errors as you type the code.

Development tools for TypeScript

Microsoft provides a plug-in for Visual Studio, and an open-source Visual Studio Code that is a cross-platform code editor also supports TypeScript. The plugins for TypeScripts are available in most IDEs and editors, such as JetBrains, Netbeans, or Eclipse. It can be also integrated with automation software such as Grunt or Apache Maven. There’s also a linting tool like TSLint that scans TypeScript syntax comparing it to guidelines.


To learn more about TypeScript, see the blog posts below.

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