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Graphic design is an indispensable element of every software development process. It consists of several factors, without which it is impossible to create a valuable software product. In software projects, we distinguish UX and UI design. However, the proper process of creating a visual layer of an application, website, or any other platform is usually preceded by an in-depth analysis of the final product’s goals, objectives, and a workshop process.

UX design

UX designers are responsible for the user experience of each digital product. This is an essential element because an unsuitable UX design can translate into an end user’s unwillingness to the product. UX designers’ task is to know the exact requirements of potential users and then create a project that will solve future users’ problems. The UX design stage consists of creating wireframes, which are a graphical representation of the project.

UI design

In UI design, we are talking about the visual layer of a mobile application, website, or any other platform. These are all elements that are visible to the end-user. UI designers’ task is to prepare mockups based on UX wireframes, which are a proposal of software products’ visual design. The UI design also includes the selection of colors, creating or sticking to the company’s branding or other elements allowed in communication, and animations. Thanks to the mockups, a given product’s originators can see how the final version of the project will look like even before it is implemented.

App and web design

Designing applications and websites consist of an in-depth business analysis, knowing the market environment, requirements, and end-users’ expectations. If the originators of applications or websites do not yet have a branding or logo, the designers start their work from these elements. The designers also propose colors and rules related to the proposed branding, which are usually collected in a document called a brand book.

After creating the branding, the designers are ready to move on to UX and UI design, which may include static elements such as the use of dedicated iconography and animations. Designers use them to diversify the final product’s visual layer and improve the project’s user experience.

To learn more about Design, see the blog posts below.

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