Everyone is extremely busy and it’s more and more difficult to find time to keep up with industry news. But thankfully, podcasts come with help! It’s especially useful for anyone that’s CIO (Chief Information Officer) or IT executive. In the age of digital transformation, with podcasts, you can learn new things on the go. Whether you’re driving or doing some easy task, you can listen to learn and get ideas. In this blog post, I Iist my top CIO podcasts.
1. Behind the Tech
Kevin Scott, the CTO of Microsoft, takes behind the scenes with today’s tech leaders. Listeners are invited to geek out with an outstanding lineup of forward-thinking IT leaders on the podcast. Each episode introduces expert that influences the technology we use – among the guests are computer scientists, AI experts, digital leaders, but also musicians or novelists.
2. CIO Talk Network
This podcast features a variety of CIO-focused conversations, talks, and news for tech executives on topics like leadership, decision making, or security. CTN provides relevant, and most importantly real-life discussions on themes that are vital to success. Each program is specifically designed to deconstruct technology, or business use to get the most out of it.
3. CXOTalk
CXO Talk hosts in-depth conversations with the world’s most innovative business, healthcare, and government executives. The host Michael Krigsman interviews with tough questions about innovation, leadership, and digital business. And you can hear the answers from some of the most forward-thinking CIOs, including IBM, Siemens, Mozilla, or Oracle.
4. a16z
Produced by Silicon Valley venture capital, a16z covers a variety of relevant tech subjects, including the rising experience of technology in third-world nations, software infrastructure, and current leading trends. It’s a must-have for CIOs looking to strategic planning and raise funding. Created by Andreessen Horowitz, episodes introduce academic and industry experts from all around the world.
5. Modern CTO
Even though the podcast name may suggest that it’s aimed at CTO and not CIO, actually its content is great and inspiring for both. It contains talks with CTOs from Fortune 500 companies in fields such as artificial intelligence, aerospace, robotics, and many others. Among the guests were executives from Cisco, LinkedIn, Atlassian, Zoom, Reddit, or so-called “the first CTO of the United States”. In other words, it’s a place where CTOs hang out in a fun way.
6. Internet of Things (IoT)
This podcast for CIOs is from Stacey Higginbotham, a long-time tech journalist. It covers broad CIO and technological topics such as innovation, finance, development, and more. Week by week, with co-host Kevin Tofel, they discuss the week’s latest IoT news and analytics.
7. Killer Innovations
Killer Innovations produced by TWiT (This Week in Tech) and hosted by Phil McKinney, former CTO of Hewlett-Packard (HP). It’s about creativity and innovation, covering subjects ranging from brainstorming to management. Some of the previous episodes were about innovation leadership as well as culture. His guests offer real-world advice on how to use creativity to generate ideas that result in inventions and enhance your professional success.
8. Diva Tech Podcast
Women are having a significant effect on the technology sector today, from C-level executives to entrepreneurs. If you’re searching for a fun way to get involved in the discourse around women in tech, the Diva Tech podcast will be great. In it, there are insights and discussions with female tech and business leaders. There are shared stories of women’s lives in tech beyond the resume and the majority of programs are about a half-hour in length. It also includes roundtables on a variety of topical tech subjects.
9. Land of the Giants
From Recode and the Vox Media Podcast Network, Peter Kafka explores how companies developed their world-changing products. it’s an inspiring look at how a firm that started with idealistic aspirations has grown into a global power with huge influence. There’re featured long conversations with notable CEOs and CIOs, episodes are released weekly.
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This podcast list will help you stay up to date with IT industry trends and give some insights about the industry. Once you start, you’ll never look back! However, if you are interested in getting best practices and insights directly from tech engineers, you can also check our recommendations of podcasts for developers!