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Mobile App

A mobile app is a kind of software designed for mobile devices – smartphones and tablets. A mobile application concept includes programs of various applications: office, advertising, entertainment, retail, and others. One of the difficulties associated with mobile apps’ development is the need to adapt them to the capabilities of various mobile devices available on the market.

Types of mobile apps

Applications are divided according to the way they are created and the type of communication:

  • web-based, 
  • native 
  • hybrid

Web-based applications are all mobile programs that require an Internet connection over a network link instead of residing inside a device’s memory. They are created in different programming languages using appropriate mechanisms like CGI, ASP.NET.  

Native applications do not require a continuous connection to the network. They are dedicated to a specific operating system and written from scratch in the programming language appropriate for it, e.g., for iOS, it will be Objective C and Swift, Android uses Java and Kotlin. This group will include applications for data organization, planning, all calendars, notepads, graphic editors. 

Mobile hybrid apps are a combination of native and web-based application solutions. They are built similar to websites, using HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript technologies. They have several functions, which require contact with the network, as well as offline solutions.


Read more about mobile apps on our blog posts.  


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